I have absurdly little time to write FDK, but I must say your story was delightful! What a menagerie of Supermen! There was the cartoon Superman who disappeared when you looked at him sideways, the black and white Superman who was a bit heavy around the jowl (yeah, wasn't he), the perfect tall blue-eyed Superman (ah, Christopher Reeve), the expressionless Superman (yeah!) who made Lois pregnant without revealing his Clark Kent identity to her and then left her for five years, the sullen teenager Clark who always screwed up and who couldn't understand what the others saw in Lois, and finally our Clark, to whom this website is dedicated, along with his Lois. I loved that we got to see them together, and that we got to see how they wondered about some of the choices their counterparts had made.

I loved, too, that they were set free after they had had a chance to talk to one another. Group therapy, indeed. Their talk certainly helped Smallville's teenager. Now maybe he, too, can see that Lois is the girl for him!

Original. Beautiful. Lovely. Subtly mindboggling. What a beautiful comment on - the passage of time, perhaps? All these Supermen were captured in a cube which was caught in the time stream. But all these Supermen were from different times, too, reflecting changing ideals and preferences that have been prevalent in the United States from the very early 1950s and onwards. (Am I the only one who is longing for the good old mid-nineties, where "our" Clark is from?)

But for every Superman there was, and is, still a constant. And that is Lois.

I completely loved it, Shayne.
