Wow. Clark recognized Wanda sooner than I thought he would, but Lois's response is just as schitzophrenic as I thought it would be. Now she's the one speaking of herself in the third person!

And Clark (who, of course, will soon be Superman) telling Lois that a change of clothes and hairstyle doesn't change the person? Hilarious despite the intense circumstances! And I also anticipate that Lois will have a tough time getting anything from the Man of Steel besides a steely stare, and how long with that go on before she figures out Clark's dual identity?

This has so many possibilities, so many different possible paths to take, and any of them will be fascinating. I wonder how long it will be before someone worms the truth about Clark and "Wanda" out of Lois (Clark won't tell anyone, surely!) and Lois goes ballistic about it.

I just had a kind of a thought. This kind. evil

Picture this. Perry pins Clark to the wall because now Clark knows what Lois has against him but won't tell Perry because of his agreement with Lois so Perry figures it out (part of it, anyway) and turns the tables on Lois and tells her Clark is hired (because he does such good work) and she's the one who'll have to make it work.

Am I close? Am I even in the ballpark? Hurry back so I can either crow or eat crow!

Funny about those two phrases, isn't it?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing