I was so happy to see this chapter!

decided to act out the lyrics to a bad country song.

he knew he would be looking for her every day
You won't have to look far.

Love all the stuff about Clark's past revelations about himself.

the Martha Kent inquisition

he’d wondered if perhaps Krypton was staking her claim.

But as he’d held Wanda Detroit in his arms, he’d felt certain that she was.
so sweet

Concerning the talk with Perry: I am really mad at Lois right now, but I am glad that Perry called her bluff and gave CK two weeks to work it out.

“Ms. Lane,” he said angrily, “I think I have a right to...”

He trailed off.

Searched the face that was turned on him in utter fury.

“Wanda...?” he whispered.
I am not sure which of them I feel worse for right now!

“I’m not most men.”
Damn straight! I am glad Clark is standing up to Lois.

I love your writing style, especially the way you let us see the ironic/snarky thoughts of the characters. Not sure if ironic/snarky is the best way to describe it, but I mean stuff like this:

He was pretty sure he could swear to that in court.
and from part 3:
when the elevator doors slid open and Clark Kent stepped out.

Just like that.

Just stepped out of the elevator as if he did it every day.
I am not explaining what I mean very well, so I will just stop trying and say I like it!

Looking forward to part 5!

lisa in the sky with diamonds