Whew - most of you are satisfied with what Lois found in Clark's apartment. Gabriele, sorry to have disappointed you... but perhaps someone will write the story you wanted to read. Or you could always write it yourself. wink

Most of you are worried about the ficus...
Poor thing, all that talk about it and it still doesn't have water!

The poor ficus! [Frown] Someone better water it soon!

The poor little ficus was so pathetic, desperately hoping each move was a sign it would be watered soon.

Poor Plant. Makes me feel a little guilty. I think I'll go water<g>

Hurry up and post part 3 so I can rest easy knowing it got watered!!!

And then the poor little ficus...which STILL doesn't have any water. It doesn't sound as though Clark is in a position to give Lois a lecture on plant care, does it?

Poor, poor ficus! And... plants that think! I always KNEW Doonesbury was right! [Wink]
LOL, Laura and Rivka! But it's just like Lois to get into a tizzy about it and then forget to water it after all, don't you think? Especially if she has something else on her mind. Speaking of which, some of you are concerned about that, too:
but then it seemed that she does know ck=sm (unless i misread that bit about "you can have your shower now").

why didn't Lois water it after Superman left? She seemed to be pretty shocked about something. Was she just shaken up by Superman's appearance, or was there something moe...?

But since she didn't water it after all that fuss...yes, I think she has figured it out. Will the poor little ficus still be alive to witness the scene between Lois and Clark when he realizes that she knows, and will it hopefully survive to see this story come to a happy end for all three of them?
All I'm going to say here is, RAFO. laugh

Love the way all water sounds are "rain," and the way it sucked up what little moisture it could from the shower... except I thought that Clark *didn't* take the shower in the end? [Confused]
Thanks for the compliment, Hazel! blush As for the shower, Clark didn't have one while Lois was there, but he came back and had a long, thoughtful one after Lois had left.

Why, exactly, did Clark fly to Witchita that morning instead of taking Superman Express?
The flight back from Wichita with Lois took place (in this story's version, anyhow) after the episode Green, Green Glow of Home. I'm sorry that was confusing - I'll have another look at the wording and see if I can clarify it before I archive the story.

the plant ("self") is a great touch.
Thanks, Hazel, but you're the genius who solved the pronoun problem for me! I forgot to credit you at the head of this section, but I'll certainly be doing that in the archive version! Kudos, o great one! goofy And it'll be up shortly!

Thanks again, Saskia, Tricia, Pam, Jen, Barb, SQD, Paul, Annie, Laura, Claire, Maria, Annette, Kathy, Rivka, Gabriele, Hazel, Alicia and merry!


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge