Oh, I just love this! First we have Lois and Clark separately agonizing over missing each other. I loved hearing Clark's version of their Christmas Eve, and even though I already knew he left without kissing her goodbye, I still found myself urging him to do so. And then Lois, sad and missing her partner in the newsroom.... It's so nice to see her realize that her writing isn't the same without Clark - not just because it lacked his writing, but because *her* writing lacked something without him. And then her plan to spend the evening at Clark's because she's so much more comfortable there...well, that was pretty telling, I thought. I'd love to know what Clark thought of her presence - after her got past the shock of thinking she'd discovered his secret identity.

And then...the ficus. Oh, I just had no idea we were going to see things through its point of view! I love it! The poor little ficus was so pathetic, desperately hoping each move was a sign it would be watered soon. The poor little guy is wasting away!

So now I want to know...why didn't Lois water it after Superman left? She seemed to be pretty shocked about something. Was she just shaken up by Superman's appearance, or was there something moe...?

I'm really loving this story and I can't wait for the next section!


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen