Yep, totally bored. wink

Actually you presented a couple of nifty breakthroughs here. Lois was able to 'see' another way to possibly attack Luthordom by backchecking to see if he is controlling his media outlets.

And Clark has the potential of an insider's view on the world of Luthor and that could entail quite a bit of juicy stuff. Of course, it could all be a set up to find out what he knows and how he was able to get the Allen mistrial. Either way, there are some interesting times ahead.

Also, we do have the potential for some good whams coming up. Too bad CJ stayed uncharacteristically unlunkheaded and didn't let slip that Lois was involved. Who knows what Luthor might have done to her if he knew. (Of course, he's not going to be too thrilled when her story hits the stands tomorrow)

WAIT... I see it all now. Luthor finds out about Clark's investigation (he beats it out of Rose and Mayson). So he sends a shooter out to take care of the troublesome Mr. Kent. While in the plain sight of dozens of eye witnesses (perhaps with Lois at his side), an assassin steps up and shoots Clark at close range. Not knowing what else to do he falls to the ground and fakes his death. Lois, still not that familiar with his powers thinks he has been killed and crys out his name as the van screams up and thugs jump out to drag the body away. Gosh! who knows where it could go from there?

Tank (who is still waiting for Lois' reaction to the picture of the other Lois that CJ has and how much better she looks in the shorter hairstyle)