What a great next chapter! Lots of intrigue!

She could be angry later.
Ten years and Lois has really grown up herself.

He was certainly his father’s son.
The juxtaposition you've set up between the two boys feels rife with possibility.

She watched Clark’s eyes light up at the mention of his parents before looking back at Jon.
That's so sweet. I can't imagine what a relief that would be.

“Zara and Ching were both killed during our escape from New Krypton.”
Oh, wow. That's a bold move! Very exciting to see what comes next!

“Only… a friend?” Her eyes flicked towards Jor for a moment, the rest of her question implicit.
This feels like the way they communicate on the show - multiple layers without saying it all out loud. Really love the way you keep the story tension high here and the enxt sentences.

Martha barely waited for the truck to come to a stop before she was out the door and running towards Clark. Johnathan wasn’t far behind. They caught each other in a three-person
This is so sweet. mecry

Lois wondered, however, if that was merely a front – if, beyond his emotionless walls, a storm of hurt and grief was brewing.
I feel like Lois has an inside track on this kind of behavior.

After a moment, Jor took a deep breath and nodded. “Gran-d-mah. Gran-d-pah,” he said, looking at his grandparents.
He must be a good kid at heart if he's offering this to Marthan and Jonathan. Very sweet tidbit.

Food was the backbone of human culture. It brought people together, encouraging socialization and sharing.
Great incite and point of comparison.

Clark had never seen the boy react so expressively to anything.
I love this detail! I'm susceptible to dessert, too!

LOVE the West-Reeve detail, too!

Can't wait to see what comes next!