BlindPassenger - Thanks for reading.
Yeah, Lois is kind pf all over the place with her emotions right now. She wants to be happy that Clark is back. She is confused and jealous over the implications behind Jor's presence. She's worried about how this is going to change their lives. She's wondering if there is still hope for her and Clark romantically after all this time. But she really hasn't had time to process any of it. She'll get there.
As for Jor - he doesn't really know how to process any of what he's been through - his mother's death, their flight from NK, the events that led to them leaving, this new family and the way they all act towards Clark (so different from what he's ever seen before). Up until now, Jor has lived a pretty sheltered life. He's been taught a lot to prepare him for his future role, but has no actual experience in life outside of being treated something like a prince. He knows he won't be treated that way on Earth but has no idea what to expect. He's never felt most of the emotions he is now facing so he's mostly just trying to lock them away as he's been taught. But it's definitely too much for a 9-year-old. He's also never seen the kind of affection Clark is showing Jon. It confuses him and appeals to him at the same time.
As for why Jor hasn't learned any English - actually I had originally planned to have him learn some during the trip. I kind of forgot about it 😅. Gonna make it work though. Remember that Clark was kind of trying to give Jor space during the trip. Jor wasn't talking much and Clark didn't want to push him after everything they'd been through. Their relationship has never been close and it's been rocked further since the events that led to them leaving. Also, the method Jor will use to learn English has a lot to do with it - this will be explained in a few chapters. Don't worry - in my head canon, a nack for languages isn't unique to Clark among Kryptonians ( based on the fact that all the NK people learned English so quickly in the show). Jor won't be left in the dark for long and it'll also lead to some bonding between him and Jon.

Oh... Now that you bring it up, I really, really want to have Damien in the story. But I feel like trying to incorporate the Batman universe into L&C would be a bit much for this particular story. I feel like that would open a huge can of worms:
Lois: While you were gone, a bunch of other superheroes popped up.
Clark: oh?
Lois: yeah, Gotham, Star City, Central City, D.C. - they formed this Justice League thing. You might want to touch base with them.
Superman: Hi, I'm Superman. You probably remember me from before.
Batman: I'm Batman - we have some concerns...
Flash: Dude, he's Superman. We can totally trust him.
Batman: *glares*