Of all the ficathon bits I read so far, this one was probably the most hilarious and funny. I laughed out loud multiple times while reading, to the point where I probably would have gotten some strange looks hadn't I been alone in the house at the time. The backfiring of Lois' plan was so funny and TBH, she kind of deserves all the pain haha. I'm actually half-and-half on whether Perry genuinely believed her and wanted to be more inclusive or knew the entire team it was just another lame excuse of her and wanted to get her for it. Speaking of lame excuses, I foudn it soo funny that for once, it's Lois and not Clark who has to deal with those lol. I'm semi-surprised Clark, also known as word-traveling guy who speaks 300 languages and has a super-memory, wasn't already knowing a lot of stuff about Channuka but well, I don't mind, the fun made so up for it. Lois stumbling a bit into her speech but then finding a good tone in the end worked well. These whole "let's make the holiday celebrations more inclusive" bit reminds me of my high school wher,e at some point, they decided to be inclusive, so they renamed the annual Christmas Celebration into "Year's end celebration" instead - of course, the effect was ruined by still playing Christmas song and reading christmas stories... The subplot with Jimmy and Cat also made me laugh a lot. And that last scene...priceless. We can only hope that senior's residence don't have an inhabitant called Clark...

Guesses...I'm mostly sure it's QueenOfTheCapes (although I also woudln't it put past SAra to have writen this...). The only thing that lets me doubt really is the length...but then there are this shorts "parts" in it that sounds like QOC again...ah wahtever, I'll log in QOTC.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.