All the Kents down in Smallville liked Christmas a lot; but Miss Lane, who lived quite far from Smallville, did not.
OMG, I AM ALREADY SO HERE FOR THIS STORY!!! Amazing, bold start!!!

...that'll definitely melt the ice and get him under my tree, if you get my drift.” She grinned wickedly.
Yaaaaassssss, I love a topical Cat Grant! So funny!

He leaned against the coffee station and gave her his suavest look. “You're always welcome under *my* Christmas tree, Cat…”
rotflol OMG, I can totally see this! Poor Jimmy!

Lois could feel a sense of panic building, but she tried not to show it. “Oh, that's, really nice of you…generous, even…Um…”
“And you're in charge of Hanukkah!” he announced with a broad grin.

“Got it straight from the horse's mouth: Someone did a bunch of whining that Christmas wasn't inclusive enough, so HR decided to axe it.
This is such a delicious example of this TYPE of guy - both today and in the 90's - that just makes me want to slap the stupid off of him. You're not getting LESS Christmas - you're getting MORE holiday!

Clark frowned. “I thought Stephanie wasn't speaking to you.”
CAN'T IMAGINE WHY RALPH! This is such a great tidbit!

The young gofer stood straighter.
This is now my favorite subplot of this fic. lol

When Jimmy returned to the copier room, he officially did not see Cat Grant sitting in the middle of the floor, surrounded by uncrumpled papers, the empty fishbowl in her lap.
I maintain my previous position. rotflol

frequently ducking out of the office with the flimsiest excuses (were his own excuses that bad?!)
YES! rotflol

“You're either jolly, or you're the Grinch.”
Ooof, that's so very real. This whole section had such a spot-on description of why Christmas is 'complicated.'

“And now, I get to see a completely different holiday go down in flames,” Lois lamented.
Bahhahaa. That's a great joke. Because of the menorah - because you light the... that's ridiculously punny.

“Not yet,” he said, “but give me a few days. Maybe I can't fix Christmas for you, but I promise: this will be the best Hannukah you ever had!”
Awwwwww, leave it to Clark.

“Eduardo! How are things going?” She beamed at him.
Eduardo Friaz looked her over, warily. “I'm married, Cat.”

“Santa is going to need more coal this year,” he grumbled.

assuming that Hannukah did in fact involve an armadillo somehow.
Is this... IS THIS A FRIENDS REFERENCE???? shock rotflol

His face broke into a grin. “Well, I know you're Orthodox and all, but in order to make this work, we're going to have to break the rule against working on the day of Shabot.”
He dodged her thrown kitchen towel with a laugh.

Nice one!

“And speaking of money, here's some chocolate coins!”
That's right, Clark... move us right off the Superman having money and running errands questions! This whole section is so concise and beautifully story-teller-y, which really fits in with the theme and the holiday.

“This is nice,” she admitted.
His eyes widened slightly, but then he gave her a soft smile. “Yeah. It is.”
And it's even snoooowwwwing... love

“Sometimes, the idea that things will get better seems as impossible as a fire burning for eight days straight on a one day supply of fuel, or a virgin having a baby. But sometimes…” Lois turned to Clark and smiled. “Sometimes, one ray of light is enough to remind you that impossible things can still happen…"
Awwww. She really found the spirit of the season, didn't she?

“as my grandfather used to say on every holiday: They tried to kill us, we survived, now let's eat.”
So real, lol. And omg, Rehalia Rosenbaum. I just caught that!

He was the best dog in the whole world,” she remembered.
Awwwwwwwww. A little Christmas miracle. whinging

This was amazing! It was like the lost holiday episode that we never got! Just so jam-packed with a million incredible tidbits. And soooooo refreshing to get a Hanukkah story in the mix that felt really alive!