I’m working on catching up today! I’ve been so eager to finish reading this!

Once settled, she had to resist leaning into him. She only now realized just how much she had missed this.

While they hadn’t exactly gone on leisurely pleasure flights before, there had always been a shared intimacy in flying together - his arms around her, cradling her to his chest, as they shared a wordless connection and affinity to the empty skies and the sunset beyond. It had always felt both soothing and exhilarating. And try as she might, particularly in these recent months, she could never quite shake the feeling that it was where she was meant to be.

Oh!! I love this!! So wonderfully phrased, and the insights and characterization are just perfect! I honestly wanted to keep highlighting more of the passage to quote, because you go on to have some amazing juxtaposition all about how Superman carries her. clap

“I wasn’t implying anything about you!”

He didn’t look like he believed her, but he didn’t reply. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was intentionally trying to wind her up.

“I wasn’t! Please, I have a little more faith in you that that!” she said, condescendingly. “Honestly, you’re acting exactly like —“

The air left her lungs.

Clark. She’d been about to say Clark.

She closed her eyes against the slash of pain that lanced through her collapsing chest.

“Lois?” His voice was soft.

ACK omg that was great!!

Her shoulders slumped at the dour future that laid itself out before her. She hadn’t married Lex, but she was still stuck with him. Tonight proved to her that she’d be hunting Lex’s ghost for years — tracking down other crates like Blondie’s, ferreting out a story if there was one, and keeping all of Pandora’s many boxes out of the wrong hands. Even with all her skills, her confidence in her own talent, and the inside track on Luthor, the job already felt like an insurmountable climb.

Gahhh! Great insights and emotions here!

“Ladies, first,” he said lightly, ushering her through. His hand landed lightly on her lower back as she passed him.

The sensation of familiarity was excruciating and undeniable.

She stopped dead and twisted back to look at him.

And she really looked at him for the first time that night.

“What?” he asked, studying her face.

Yes, what? her mind echoed. What was happening?

OMG OMG!! This!! Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m an absolute sucker for the hand on the small of the back! And GAHH I love, love, love when it’s used so cleverly like this!

And the whole rest of the part is just a wonderful blend of tension and curiosity as Lois puzzles things out and challenges Clark! Ahhhh!

Because you asked for constructive feedback, I’ll mention my only minor nitpick is that there was just a smidge too much info about the Luthor stuff there in the middle for the pacing of the scene. It’s all really clever and great information!! And wonderfully worded, too! Actually, going back and rereading a little to be sure, I think it’s more the fact that you’ve got Lois’s introspection about the holidays and stuff whinging *as well as* the background info on Luthor as to what’s slowing the pacing a bit. (Also, please know that I ramble a lot and overexplain, so don’t take the length and ramble of this comment to mean that this is a major issue or anything! It’s more of a refinement point.)

In any case, all the emotions and everything are so well done! And we’re so lucky to have you as an author! love

On to the last part…

Sara smile

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