He didn’t look like he believed her, but he didn’t reply. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was intentionally trying to wind her up.

“I wasn’t! Please, I have a little more faith in you that that!” she said, condescendingly. “Honestly, you’re acting exactly like —“

The air left her lungs.

Clark. She’d been about to say Clark.

She closed her eyes against the slash of pain that lanced through her collapsing chest.

The interplay between them is amazing and painful. The words are so crisp and paint a picture that is so powerful it feels like Part2 of TOGOM. Lois shouldn't be Mad Dog Lane and Superman really needs to be Clark again. How will this be resolved with only one chapter remaining? huh


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.