Andreia, thank you so much! Grief is a funny thing, isn't it? Sometimes getting through it means really embracing it. It felt like Lois would look for any connection she could find. Even if it hurt.
--I couldn't bring myself to add in Clark's POV on this one. I felt like if I'd written them both drowning in pain, I'd never get over it. mecry
One part left!

BlueOwl, so glad to have held your attention after garnering it in part 1! smile1 I appreciate you sticking around - thank you for the kind words!

Morgana, awwww, thank you so much for reading! You were such a kind, welcoming member of the community that I decided to finally post one of my own -- so it means a lot that you're reading along. "Part 2 of TOGOM" is such high praise! grin

Terry, oooooooo, what a great catch. That camera comes back in chapter 3 (and ALSO referenced both film and digital) so I'm SO glad you said something! This story exists in a multiverse apparently: one where I wanted her to have snatched Jimmy's new-fangled digital camera, and another where I wanted to describe winding the film, lol. I went back and edited to achieve continuity - it's officially a manual camera now:
"Very carefully โ€” very, very carefully, with the fallen recorder in mind โ€” she pulled out the Planetโ€™s smallest SLR camera and double checked that the flash was off."
SLR's get used in low light settings, so this should work out better for Lois, anyway.
--Outside of that - 'secret identity sweepstakes' is now my new favorite phrase, so thank you for that delight! I'm so grateful that this story is hitting those points for you in a believable and fulfilling way. I'm just getting used to this universe, so I'm not sure about their personality balances yet for their most deeply held traits. Lois is certainly talented at expressing several emotions at the speed of light, and one of AnnieM's comments on the last thread inspired me to go back and see if we could push that talent of hers a little further, too. This was never a 'how-to-solve' it piece for me, but there is an emotional resolution. <3