Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Bek!

and touched his finger lightly to the point near where they had decided he should land.

“Error. Recalibration failure. Suitable landing trajectory not found.”
So, is that because it’s too close or too distant from Lois?


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
that the system may have difficulty with the landing protocol because of differences in the expected versus actual atmospheric conditions, temperature, and other factors.
Like, are they trying to have him set down on that beautiful blue meadow that spans so much of the world?

Yikes! The ship did not have a water-landing protocol!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“Manual control activation,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. He had not trained for this possibility. His father had promised the ship would navigate itself.
This is gonna be a major difference: on Earth, Kal-El will have to learn that Lois must believe she’s piloting herself while Kal-El makes unobtrusive course corrections to steer her away from certain death.

SHIP’s AI: She does not seem as smart as I am. Maybe you must apply an update.

LEX: I tried applying an update once. The whole system crashed and took down the entire network with it.

(Based off the old https://devrant.com/rants/640067/so...ear-i-upgraded-from-girlfriend-7-0-to-wi)


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“Manual control activation not recommended,” the system told him.

“I am aware of that. Activate manual controls and fire reverse thrusters,” Kal instructed.
At least he didn’t tell the ship it’s for their own good.


dies laughing

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
The system immediately answered. “Current speed one thousand seventy-one kilometers per hour and holding.”
One thing I noticed before: how does the Kryptonian meter and second translate to the SI meter and second?

We'll go with...they are similar cool

I had to have them using some sort of metric system that makes sense, so in my head, it's SI units, or at least similar.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Then, another wave of nausea hit him, and everything went black.
Ooooooh, did the kryptonite catch up with his ship?

The voice called again, “Hello? Should I go get help?”
/Imagines Kal decorating the inside of the canopy with the last remnants of his last morning meal/

Male Voice: So, I’ll be getting help then, okay?

No kryptonite! lol

Kal will talk more about this in chapter 3 of Destined: Friends smile1

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
A young man about his age with black hair, some sort of odd black-framed goggles covering his brown eyes, and a dark blue shirt stretched tight over his broad shoulders leaned over the spaceship, peering warily inside at Kal.
Oh dear. Did he land 20 years early? Is he going to court Martha?

lol Gosh no!! Lol

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Kal nodded, but then realized he was not entirely sure whether a nod meant the same thing on Earth as it did on Krypton.
Actually, lowering your head during a conversation and staring below the chin is considered very impolite.


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“And my parents and I live just down the hill. Your ship landed in our field. We grow corn here. My name is Clark. Clark Kent.”
shock what in the interdimensional shenanigans is going on here? Did Kal crash his ship through a temporal portal? Was Clark dropped here by Tempus? What will Jonathan say when there’s a second ship now?

Kal grasped Clark’s hand, and the man helped hoist Kal to his feet. He was strong, Kal noted.
Yep. Steady diet of UV rays.

peep no interdimensional anything, actually! ... Two separate people. Read on in Friends to find out.

Psst.... Clark was sweating and hot... Maybe he's...human?? peep

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
The spaceship should follow me, I think. That is what Father said,”
rotflol we should name it Houdini!

You really should read chapter 1 of Friends lol

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
At the end of the rut, where his ship had come to a stop, Kal saw it—the beautiful white bloom, still perfect, still full and undamaged.
Awwwwwwww…you paint such pictures clap

Thank you!!!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
This man, Clark Kent, he seemed kind and helpful, and being near him made Kal feel just a little more at ease. He lowered his eyes back to the flower.
So, nobody’s gonna mention that they look the same?

Kal-El: He wear face wires! No look same.

Not exactly the same though peep

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
. He gasped as he looked down and saw a small creature rubbing against him. The animal, covered in orange fur except for its paws and the tip of its tail, which were white, made a deep rumbling sound and stared up at him with large, amber-colored eyes.
Awwww…a flerken!

“What? Oh, little Finn? He’s our cat.” Clark bent down and picked up the animal, who began to make even louder rumbling noises.
Kal-El: No, that’s a…a…flerken! Keep away! Dangerous!

(Sorry, I just had a blast with Captain Marvel…that’s already what, 10 years ago?)


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
The kitty cat there is actually rendered from my own cat (who is incidentally named Finn!
I do think it’s funny that my image from chapter two also depicts orange flerken laugh

Hahaha right?!?!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
the story will only be posted in the nfic forums and on AO3.
I hope Sara has informed you that you will also be posting it on the nfanfic archive?

..... Yeah.... peep

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
The Earth is so much colder than Krypton even when it's hot? Hrm...maybe the whole heated-up core was a rather lenghty thing...Although I thought it' susually the other way around (ain't Krypton some kidn of ice planet or something? Ah, nevermind...)
I didn’t go into depth about this earlier, mainly because I didn’t want to go and crosscheck in earlier parts and with astrological information. If Krypton orbits a red giant, I think it can easily have a warmer climate? Plus, the lack of an axial tilt can make the Kandor region warmer. Kal-El always spoke about Krypton, yet he didn’t strike me as well-travelled. Someone from L.A. would also think it’s hotter than someone from New York. Anyway, yeah, originally also thought Krypton was a cooler, icy/crystal planet.

wave Michael

Yes, all the sciencey stuff smile Kal traveled a bit, but not as much as his mother. But also, the atmospheric conditions were a bit different too, so that can contribute.


Thank you for reading through Journey!!!

Hope you read on with Friends and then Legacy smile1
