Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Oh-kay...That TWIST...I most definitely didn't expect THAT...

Eeep! peep

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
So, we now actually have a Clark, a (future) Superman and...most likely...a Lois at some point. That sould be...interesting. BTW, what about the psysics? I mean, Clark and Kal can't be identical...right? So from the description, I assume Clark looks like his "usual self" while Kal might be more the "traditional Superman" type?

This is a bit of what I had in mind! They are not identical. Kal is taller and more muscular and with blue eyes.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
So, we have the future alien superhero with actual alien upbringing, fight training, and leader skills - and Clark, the presumbaly normal human (either still adopted or the Kent's bio-kid), who has most if not all the "Clark-ish" qualities we value about him but minus superpowers...and they will likely grow up together for th enext couple of years...ohr boy...


Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
And mos timportantly: Who will get the girl? Clark? Kal? BOTH of them (at seperate times, or even together/in a Super sandwich??) Speculations running wild... The rate-up to the M section makes all the more curious... I'll definitely continue with this one as long as it won't drift off into some PWP story but I'm rather confident that won't happen so...looking forward!

You have the right idea there. Full disclosure along with a spoiler (for both Destined: Friends and Destined: Legacy):

Destined: Friends is a story in which Kal and Clark grow closer and fall in love. And then, in the third part, Destined: Legacy, the two move to Metropolis, where they meet Lois. I believe the appropriate AO3 tag would be #EventualPoly grin Friends does not have much plot (although there's important relationship stuff and some unpacking of Kal's complicated past), but Legacy has a LOT going on (and it'd better...it's 175,000 words long...GAH)...a few different "catastrophes" with some work-together investigative journalism and a bunch of Super stuff

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Hrm, Kal for sure had a hard time with his flight to Earth. Murphy had a day there. That said...I wonder if his malfeeling and then passing out might be related to some green mineral...or is he just a bad flyer...

No green K! But if you read on in Friends, I think it's in chapter 3, Kal discusses the landing and what he was feeling then.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Hrm, I wonder what the Kents might think about Clark's very special houeguest...Clark himself seems rather nonchalant about it all...
(CLARK: Hey Mom, dad, brought a space alien over for dinner. You cool wiwth that?)

I hope you read Chapter 1 of Friends. It starts out in Clark's POV, so you get just a little bit more from this scene. But Yes, he is accepting pretty quickly!

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Oh, and Kal gets to pet the CAT. So, THIS is the cat from the mini-stories, right? Now knowing the twist, that connection makes sense...

YES! This is Finn!!! I'm SOOOO happy you made that connection!! smile1

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I'm super intrigued and will definitely read on, either here or maybe on AO3 as it's easier for me to acces it there as my browser is kicking me out of the NFic folder constantly for some reason... Whatever, great piece of fiction so far, and I'm going to dive into the next part soon enough!

Thank you SO MUCH!! I do think it's easier to read on AO3. But either way, thank you SO much for the feedback here. It's been a joy to read all of your comments today!! Definitely let me know what you think if you choose to read on!
