Okay. No secret identity - check. Clark and Kal are separate people - check. Kal and Clark look alike - no idea.

Kal gets to pet a cat - check.

That banner is precious! I like cats, and that one's a keeper for sure. Here, kitty, kitty...

Friends is going to have to fill in a whole bunch of blanks whether it starts story-tomorrow or story-next year. How will the Kents explain their new boarder? Where will his ship go? Will they keep his ET origin secret or sell it to the highest bidder? When will Bureau 39 (or its counterpart) show up? ("Hi, I'm Jason Trask from the U.S. government and I'm here to help.") What will Kal do for a living besides be a superhero? (Did Jor-El and La-Ra even think about that?) Is there more to the ship than just transportation, like science data or Kryptonian history or Kandorian culture?

My wife hates it when I ask questions like that when we see a movie for the first time.

This is a really good start, SuperBek. I'm eager to see where you go next.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing