Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Wow, that's for sure an interesting premise!

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
PS: Is there a reason that this is also called Destined, like the two mini-tales about a kid!Clark? Because that obviously can't be part of the same universe with the background so I'm a little confused there...

I don't want to spoil anything if you're up for a good twist, but...there is a big twist at the end of this part (Journey), leading into the second part of the story (Friends). It...ends up being quite the AU, kinda unlike anything I think that's ever been posted here before. And I can't answer your questions without spoiling that big twist (with this story in particular, it's been difficult for me to figure out exactly what to say in terms of "spoiler" versus... um, "disclosure"?). So, uh, I would like to point you toward the Summary and Author's Note for Destined: Friends to answer these questions! smile1

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I think that's the first fic I see though where he is that young (not counting the baby obviously).

I think I've read...one or two where he's an adult, but maybe not any where he's a teen, and none with this exact premise -- or the above-mentioned "twist" for sure. wink

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Wonder if he will really keep to that, maybe he shouldn't. I mean I get why they don't want a mass panic but maybe somepresure from the population would move something with the council IDK. And what makes Kal more "worthy" of survival than anyone else? It's a whole new perspective on all of that that's usually not present with BAby Kal escaping.

Excellent questions and points! I think a bit is explored later in Journey, and a LOT of Kal's feelings about it all are explored greater in the second and third parts of the story, Friends and Legacy.

Thank you so much for reading and for all the wonderful questions and thoughts!!! And if you do check out the Summary/Author's Note for Friends and have any more questions, you can PM or email me to avoid spoilers on this post!
