Originally Posted by KSaraSara

And…I may come back and squee more later, but… gosh… the world building here is just phenomenal!! notworthy

Sara smile

Thank you!! (EEEEEEEE[P]!!!)


Originally Posted by Ailujecarg
Neat intro! I love the idea of a Kal/Clark on Earth who remembers Krypton and its people. I've often wondered what that would be like grin

Thanks! I too have wondered what it would be like for Kal to come to Earth later, and there's been a few fics that have explored this, although I don't remember reading one with Kal being this age. In any case, I hope you enjoy the rest!

Originally Posted by bakasi
I'm intrigued and curious where you will be taking this. Can't wait to find out how this all unfolds.

It's gonna be a bit of a long ride! And there may or may not be a few twists along the way. wink

Originally Posted by lovetvfan
This story is fantastic and this beginning had me HOOKED from the very start. YAY!

Thank you!! Here we go! (YAY and YIKES!)

Chapter 2 is being posted soon!
