Originally Posted by KSaraSara
FDK for part 3:

LOL’d at this too! Poor CLARK!!! All that awkward tension in this WHOLE part!!! GAHHHH!

OOH… so I know we all gang up on Mayson, but wow with what you’ve done with her conversation calling Clark out on his behavior! I mean, yeah, some of it was too much assumed on her part…but… Clark really should have been more honest with her! And wow at just their whole conversation!! It was great!! And as much as it galls me to say something positive about Mayson lol, I think this is a great contender for Best Supporting Character for my noms next year for Kerths!

Really, really great job!! GAHHHHH … now I’m nervous about how it’s going to go down with Lois!!

Sara (who probably used up a week’s allotment of exclamation points in this post…)

*Throws Sara a bag full of exclamation points*

I'm so glad you liked that part, and yes, poor Mayson gets dragged a lot. She wasn't all sunshine and roses though, she couldn't take a hint at all. I thought I'd do her a favour in this fic, and have her say her piece to Clark, though she may have some more to say...

Originally Posted by SuperBek
Ahhh!! What an interesting take on this so far!! smile1

Agree with Sara that I like how you had Mayson calling Clark out on his behavior! Hope he reflects on what she said and talks to Lois ASAP!! cool

Looking forward to the next three chapters.



Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
Originally Posted by Toomi8
I was trying to think of an older movie that wasn't Lethal Weapon, and funny. I haven't seen it in many years but it was one of my Grandad's favourites.

It’s one of my dad’s favourites too!

Haha. Great tastes all around!

Originally Posted by bakasi
Poor Clark. Can't say that he didn't deserve Mayson's rage. I'm glad she didn't consider exposing him. I'm curious how knowing that Clark is Superman will affect her view of the hero.

My gut feeling is she wouldn't expose him because of who he is as Clark. If she hadn't come to know Clark (and fall for him) it probably would have been a different outcome given her distrust of Superman.

Originally Posted by AmyPrime
This is a really interesting story! Clark is lucky that Lois is being so understanding about his continued state of shock. It's sweet how she looks out for him.

Thanks for reading blush

New chapter will be up shortly with a new feedback thread for the last half of the story.