Just (finally) catching up on this (why didn't you tell me you were posting something??), and... wow. This is sweet and WAFFy (even in the angsty bits) and sometimes very evil. How do you do that?

Love the encounter with WWWW.

And Lois reacting to Clark + Gun... What a thought! Brilliant! And sweet.

And then evil!!!

But then she's not actually dead or shot, just... super-powered? laugh Love it!


White shirt + water = Superman? Why didn't anybody tell me this? (And why did it never work for me when I was in the pool with a t-shirt on?) I'm going to have to try some experiments...

"<Nothing... no pain... there's no pain when you're superhuman... none.> "

Er... not exactly, Lois...

Although that is a very important (and evil!! realization), in the context of YATS (Yet Another TOGOM Story). Oh boy.

He exhaled, long and slow. And she hated that she could ache at the tremor of sadness and deep regret, hated that his emotions could echo within her and make her think that maybe he hadn't wanted this either.
*Tries to think of a proper response, something to sum up the reaction to reading this. Fails. Decides to make do...*

Ooooo! Beautiful!

""Please." A quiet request in that gentle voice she lo... loathed so much. He extended a hand to her, and she flinched."


(Switching POVs so much here is a little confusing, but well worth it!)

Their feet left the ground. As soon as she spied the soaring skyscrapers of Metropolis, she let go of his hand and veered alone towards her apartment.


There's a word the comes to mind. I can't quite put my finger on it. What is it? Oh, right...


*checks fic folder, notes the complete absence of Part 4*

Yep. That's the word I was looking for.

Now you get right back here and you post, or you are in so much trouble...

Oh, yeah. Beautiful story, great writing, blah blah...



When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.