Anchor: Part I -- Clark Kent (49-51)

The End! dance

Oh my goodness. thud

If you got this far, seriously -- thank you so much for reading! smile1 Many of you know that this is the first time I've shared my writing (I've shared more in the last month than in my whole life, I think!), and it's been a pleasure so far. The feedback and comments are supportive and encouraging, and it's been fun to hear your thoughts as you have read through the story piece by piece. clap

As I mentioned in the beginning author's notes, I have written part 2 to this story, which is actually the story told from the POV of this world's Clark Kent (Anchor: Part II -- Kal-El). It's obviously quite a different perspective, and I didn't set out with the plan to write it when I first started working on part 1. However, as I wrote part 1, I got to thinking about what was happening "behind the scenes" with this world's Lois and Clark while AltClark was doing his thing... And so, there's another 115k+ epic written from the other Clark's POV. If there is interest, I will post it, maybe after a little hiatus confused

Again, thank you all for the support and encouragement. It has truly been wonderful.

