Originally Posted by Ray
As I'm sure others have said, this is an excellent story! I'm a reader who only reads completed stories so, now that I've finished it, I want to comment.

Thank you so much for reading it!!

Originally Posted by Ray
Your story kept me in suspense and I would regretfully put it down at the end of the day looking forward to the next day when I could continue in this universe. The first half of the story had me rooting for Lois to, slowly, come to love Alt-Clark.

Yes, right?! They built up a very good friendship over those few weeks, and although it does end up being "love of good friends", it does not end up being romantic love as we all (even I, as the author) wanted for AltClark!

Originally Posted by Ray
He seemed so very happy to be with her but then that universes Clark is introduced and my hopes were dashed.

whinging Gah!

Originally Posted by Ray
Alt-Clark has done an excellent job of hiding his feelings for Lois while supporting her and Clark.

He did become such a great friend to both of them and was SOOO instrumental to her Clark's recovery. love

Originally Posted by Ray
I wonder how he's going to deal with being Superman most of the time and how H.G. Wells will factor into this development. I look forward to part 2 and, maybe, a part 3 depending on what happens in part 2.

Thanks for writing and sharing your story!
Ray Reynolds

Thankfully, I think AltClark is in a place now where he's happy and content, and he appreciates all the things that are different about this world. The fact that this world treats him/Superman like a person and that he has friends who love him (like a family) makes this world so much better than his.

Thank you again so much!! I truly appreciate you taking the time to read it and comment smile1

I hope you enjoy part 2 when I get to posting it (which I think will be right after the new year!)

Happy Holidays!

