Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
This was...amazing! You do a masterful job of capturing and conveying the emotions. From his weary resignation in the beginning to his joy in fellowship at the end, I was drawn in and felt so connected to him. I do always like to see Clark get his Lois, but this was very satisfying also!

Thank you so much! It was really difficult to write the ending, because I wanted to convey how much life had truly changed for AltClark given his new friendships, despite the fact that he still doesn't have "his own Lois". He is happy and hopeful and in a much better place here.

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
Readers Note: I don't care about you not being able to write without referencing modern smart phones! They had space station colonies and holograms in the show, smart phones don't bother me at all, lol.

Glad to hear this! I was a bit worried, but eh... I could always just say "Alternate universe! My rules!" and go with it, I suppose lol But it seems like no one really cares too much grin And you're right that some of their technology is a bit beyond 1990s anyways, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
I've said this elsewhere, but I'll say it again here, I'm soo glad you decided to come hang out with us in Discord, and that you were willing to share your writing with us! It has a depth and beauty that I'm very much enjoying =)

I'm very much looking forward to part 2!

Awwwww, thank you!! It's been so wonderful, I wish I'd joined in sooner. But I wasn't ready until now.

Thank you for reading! I'm working on another WIP right now, but I'll also work on getting part 2 posted, hopefully soon smile1
