Originally Posted by Blueowl
Awww, so cute. Enough baby giggles can heal pretty much anything. laugh

I'm glad the future is looking much better than before, although I suspect there will still be some rough patches.

Thanks for this third series and I look forward to the fourth hyper

Yes! Baby giggles are pretty darn magical! And yeah, there will be some rough patches for all, but definitely far less angst than this motherlode of it lol. Thanks for all the comments and support! love

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Great breakpoint. Excellent work, Sara. Like Blueowl, I loved Clark playing with Kallie. It reminded me of my time with the little wrigglers more decades ago that I care to contemplate. And I enjoyed Clark's song to Lois, even if it made her ears bleed a little. He's made a good start on his recovery, what with the therapy and their planned return to the Daily Planet. Definitely a good place to pause.

Now for my questions.

Jerome and Joanne are settled in Metropolis? Are they there as Clark and Lois or someone else? Are they working as celebrity impersonators? Is Jerome moonlighting as Superman in this world? How much impact will all that have on the next story? What's Joanne doing, because no Lois anywhere is going to be a happy homemaker and nothing else. Wait - can Joanne cook?

And no ducks have died, at least not yet.

I'm eagerly awaiting the first part of the next part of this epic tragic romance.

Thank you, Terry!! I’m so glad everything resonated with you and that you agree it’s a good breaking point. I think I was maybe 5 or 6 chapters in when I shared my “epiphany” with lovetvfan that, “oh, no… this is either going to be REALLY long, or it’s two stories…because we have Clark Healing here…and we haven’t even begun to tackle the Superman issue! Yikes!” And she was like, “Oh yeah, it totally was always going to be two stories.” lol Well, I’m glad I didn’t quite realize that at the outset, because I might have found the whole thing a bit overwhelming!

Jerome will be ONLY Superman in Metropolis, and Joanne…well, that’s a bit TBD, but like heck she was going to let Clark universe hop without her, so she’s here. I definitely have plot reasons for her to be there…but not sure what she’ll DO while there, just yet. And no, lol, I don’t think Joanne cooks.

Ducks…didn’t fit. But I already have an idea in mind. I’ll do my best, sir, to get you a dead duck! wink

Thank you for all your wonderful feedback! smile

Originally Posted by CarrieRene
I am so glad I got on this ride with Lois and Clark. You did a fantastic job showing Clark's turmoil and the strength Lois gives him. I loved seeing Lois being a mother. And of course, we got to see Martha being our favorite supporting mom to everyone. I can't wait until you start the next in this series. I know it won't be another 18 years but hopefully, we do get more of them soon. Thank you.

Thank you!! I definitely loved being able to show all of those things. At times, it was really hard not to write Martha’s POV! Thanks for being a great test reader at the end—the last chapter was really a struggle, and you definitely helped!

Originally Posted by bakasi
Thank you very much for a wonderful story, Ksarasara. I liked the way Lois slowly found her way to Clark's heart. And I'm curious where you will lead us next. Looking forward to the journey.

Thank you!! And thanks for all the feedback along the way—I’m so glad you enjoyed! smile Hopefully I’ll be able to convince my muse to start back up any day now…

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
I feel like I've been waiting for this for 18 years! (not really, more like... 7? -ish? Idk, I found this fandom back in 2015 and just started reading through the archive, so ever since the 'Ks', lol.)

It is definitely worth the wait! Away From the Sun has been a fic I re-read regularly, but I haven't re-read Wherever You Will Go because of the not quite cliffhanger. I just did in anticipation of this being posted. It's still raw and a little awkward, but that doesn't lessen the emotional impact of the story.

This one seemed to start with the same raw, awkward writing, and I admit I had difficulty connecting with it. It might be that I just didn't understand what was going on, that Clark had been trained by torture and convinced by circumstances to deny the very core of himself: the compassion that encompasses everything he does and his love for Lois, and that's the level on which I connect with him. But when he managed to break through that, I started being able to connect with the story, and it became a testiment to how much you've grown as a writer over the years.

I'm deeply glad you've come back to the fandom and blessed us again with your writing!

PS: I think my favorite phrase was something like 'trying to wrap words around feelings'. It's such a great way to describe the difficulty of doing so!

LOL! I’m so glad to know there were people other than me that wanted this sequel! smile I’m happy to hear it was work the wait, lol!

I’ve had a couple people tell me that they re-read AFTS regularly, and that just touches me so much. As I mentioned in that thread last year, it’s one of my favorites of mine for so many reasons!

Sorry you weren’t able to connect so much at the beginning, but I’m glad it came through for you in the end. smile The idea was that NK and all its customs and its tradition and its war was anathema to Clark…yet he *had* to be there and had to help. And unfortunately, for a while, the best way to survive was to essentially turn Clark off and become Kal-El. It injured him gravely (and I’m not talking physically, though obviously it did that too) to do so…was it necessary? Maybe he’ll be able to answer that for himself in therapy!

Thank you so much for your kind words!

And thank you to everyone who read, whether you commented or not, because I do see the number of views, and I’m glad to know that others are out there reading. It’s not quite as rewarding to write without an audience—so thanks for coming along!! I hope you enjoyed it. smile

Sara smile

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