Great breakpoint. Excellent work, Sara. Like Blueowl, I loved Clark playing with Kallie. It reminded me of my time with the little wrigglers more decades ago that I care to contemplate. And I enjoyed Clark's song to Lois, even if it made her ears bleed a little. He's made a good start on his recovery, what with the therapy and their planned return to the Daily Planet. Definitely a good place to pause.

Now for my questions.

Jerome and Joanne are settled in Metropolis? Are they there as Clark and Lois or someone else? Are they working as celebrity impersonators? Is Jerome moonlighting as Superman in this world? How much impact will all that have on the next story? What's Joanne doing, because no Lois anywhere is going to be a happy homemaker and nothing else. Wait - can Joanne cook?

And no ducks have died, at least not yet.

I'm eagerly awaiting the first part of the next part of this epic tragic romance.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing