I enjoyed rewatching this episode. It has a little humor, some touching and poignant moments.

The looks Superman was giving Lex when he was being presented with the key to the city says it all. It’s too bad Lois didn’t notice and ask Superman about it. Maybe it would have set her down another path. It has always bothered me that she never looked deeper into Lex and agreed to marry him.

Cat sure sexually harassed Clark throughout the first season. I always wished he had put a stop to it.

Murray Brown was very persistent but it paid off with Superman finally agreeing to his representation. I don’t remember if the Superman Foundation is canon or if it’s just a fandom thing, but this would bring a lot of funding for charity.

There were some wonderful scenes between Clark and Lois and the scene with Clark and his parents is very touching. Some of my favorite lines are from that scene:

Clark - Lois has a pair of Superman pajamas.
Martha - You saw Lois in her pajamas?
Clark - No, yes, but it was an accident when her robe came open.
The look on Martha’s face is priceless.

Clark - I don’t know if he can keep it up.
Martha - What do you mean he? You speak as though Superman was someone else. You are Superman, Clark.
Clark - I feel like I’m losing myself to the man in the red, yellow and blue suit.
Jonathan - Son, it’s the man beneath the suit we care about.

The ending makes me feel a little sad for Clark.
Lois - You know Clark, not that I’m one of those people who revel in saying I told you so.
Clark - Uh huh.
Lois - But, I hope you learned your lesson. There’s no such thing as an invisible man.
Clark - softly to himself after Lois walks away - Yes there is, Lois. Yes there is.

I think this episode is a good foundation episode and just a lot of fun.