Ah, Caroline! How can I add anything after everyone else has heaped such incredibly well-deserved praise on this story?

I get out my thesaurus. Your story is great, which means it is beyond the ordinary, specially important, memorable, eminent, preeminent, distinguished, noble, excellent, satisfactory and very pleasing. Your story is also brilliant, which means it is sparkling (why not?) and outstanding in intelligence or imagination. It is also fascinating, which means it compels us to feel delighted interest in it.

Ah, well. The thesaurus can't explain how agonizingly well you showed us what it must feel like to be Lois Lane and to have to see the bedrock of your existence, your best friend Clark Kent, just pretend to be your friend, for the benefit of Luthor's cameras. Oh, wow. (I was trying to look up "wow", but would you believe my thesaurus found that word beneath it? So I'll explain it myself. Wow: exclamation of amazed delight.)

Fantastic, Caroline. What a writer you are!!!
