She’d barely made it off his front stoop when she heard the whoosh of Superman taking off. The sound made her nervous. His incredible powers made it so easy for him to get away from her, and she had a feeling that if she made a single misstep, the day would come when she’d hear that whoosh for the last time, and Clark Kent would be gone from her life forever.
I love this. It hurts, but I love it. Brilliant observation.

“Hi Lois,” Clark greeted her cheerfully. His easy grin seemed to light the room, and Lois felt something inside her leap with recognition. Clark’s back!
Gah!! That made me gasp... part in celebration with Lois, but mostly for the hurt I knew was only a few seconds away:

But then she saw his eyes, bleak and wounded behind his glasses. The smile and cheery voice were just an act, put on like a disguise in case Lex was watching or listening. The eyes told the real story, though, and seeing them made her realize that her Clark was no longer within reach, even when he was standing three feet away. He wasn’t back at all, and suddenly she was afraid that maybe he never would be – that the friendship and love she’d always thought were hers for the taking had really been withdrawn completely.
Originally, I was only going to quote the first sentence... but the whole paragraph is just... painful. goofy

... and there's no more story. frown

I'm loving this so much, Caroline!!! notworthy The emotions just leap off the page, and the characterization is superb! When's the next part? laugh


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