And then he bent his head to hers and kissed her. It was over almost before it had begun, as brief and chaste as a kiss could be. But she felt more in that fleeting moment than she had ever felt during a moment of passion. He pulled back and looked at her, his thumb stroking her cheek gently, and she felt a tremendous sense of loss for something she’d never even had.

My toes are tingling with happiness what a delightful kiss!

She looked up and met his eye, her heart leaping at the sight of him. She looked back down, jotting down a number on the back of her card. “I was… I know what I said, about you living a million miles away. It’s true. But… This has been so nice. Talking to you. And I just thought… Maybe… If you wanted…we could keep talking.” She took a step closer to him and placed the card in his outstretched hand, her eyes averted, unable to meet his. “That’s my home number, on the back. If you wanted… I mean… you know.”

Lois? Lois Lane giving out her HOME phone number? Who is this person? Sounds like something beautiful has begun....


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.