Buuuuump…it’s like time travel! lol

I was poking around last night for short stories to read while stuck half-underneath a sleeping 6-year-old and found this one. I’ll be honest, I read the description and wasn’t sure I was in the mood for a BatP/HoL story…but I was like, I said I would read more stuff by Michael because Don’t You Dare was so awesome and this was only 6kb…so any angst or whatever couldn’t be too bad.

Well… HOODWINKED. I was hoodwinked. And I was a bit peeved (only mildly so) because I don’t like being tricked, so I just HAD to go back and re-read and figure out just how I’d been tricked…and instead of feeling any sort of justified or whatever I was searching for, I was just shaking my head and marveling at how you did it. Like Lynn said, there were one or two lines that were slightly “off” but I just brushed by as “not-perfect” characterization and moved on. Hah! You showed me! WELL DONE, sir! clap clap

Sara smile

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