Thanks so much for all the wonderful feedback. It truly makes my day to see people so invested in this story!

I'm going to try to quote and respond to a couple specific comments, but my message board skills are rusty, so let's hope this works!

Originally Posted by Anna B. the Greek
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I think I hate you.
WHY. WHY do they have all this chemistry and emotions and yet nothing changes!!!!!! AGH!!!!
Something needs to be done!!! You can't leave them like that for 22 more chapters, I swear!!.

I promise I won't leave them like this for another 22 chapters. I've never been an angst for the sake of angst writer. Keep reading and it won't be so torturous soon. wink

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
I guess this isn't a one-time thing. And I guess Lois is being deliberately cruel to Clark. That's how I'd feel if my ex-wife (we're still crazy after all these 45 years) divorced me and tantalized me with occasional one-night stands and wouldn't let me tell her that I loved her.

I don't think Clark can take this for too much longer. No one has infinite patience. Something's got to give somewhere.

I don't think she's being deliberately cruel. I think she's hurting herself as much as she's hurting him. Hopefully that becomes more obvious as time goes on. But I absolutely agree that Clark can't take this much longer. Things are about to come to a head!

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen