Oh my stars and garters, it has been awhile since my heart was in my throat over a story. I will make it a point to comment on each entry as soon as RL allows.

The truth was that she’d been hesitant to respond either way. Her relationship with Jimmy had been strained since the divorce, when he’d clearly seen her as the enemy. Though he’d managed to stay professional in the office, his eyes betrayed his disappointment and blame.

When a marriage ends in divorce, many feel the aftereffects, not just the husband, wife and children. Jimmy has known Lois longer and is like a younger brother to her, but he still 'sides' with Clark, because Clark was more of a mentor to him than Lois was. It is to his and Lois' credit that they kept things on a professional level at the job. Clark, ever the gentleman resigned rather than allow the divorce to turn the newsroom's environment toxic. One can only imagine how much pain this matter would have been for Perry to watch.

Mattie rolled her eyes as she climbed in the back seat. “Are you sure he didn’t suddenly remember he had a dentist appointment? Or an emergency dry cleaning appointment?”

Ouch! She is just as sharp as her mother. But I am betting that JP, the quiet one has figured is out already.

That time was so painful and dark, Lois hated to think about it. In the span of a year, they’d suffered back to back early miscarriages bookended by losing first Perry and then Jonathan. Perry to a breathtakingly fast cancer and Jonathan suddenly and without warning to a massive stroke. And then the long-awaited pregnancy that should have been something to celebrate after the worst year of their lives was instead plagued by dangerously high blood pressure that ultimately resulted in an emergency c-section at 32 weeks to save her life.

Postpartum depression, a baby in the NICU, and her own feelings of guilt and inadequacy as a mother left her drowning. And like any drowning person, she clawed at those who tried to rescue her, bringing them down with her. Clark, traumatized by his inability to protect the people he loved most, threw himself into saving those he could and controlling everything around him.

ONE of these events would have been enough to set even the strongest of people on edge, but all three? Not to mention Perry and Jonathan were quiet pillars of strength to this young married couple who so desperately needed their strength, guidance and love. Hey, where is Martha in all of this?

He winked at her, making her stomach flip in a way she would definitely not admit to anyone. And then he turned and made his way back to his car.

These two still love each other. A couple I know went through some hard times and divorced. They remarried again after thirty years of being apart. They are in their late sixties and after ten years of marriage, love each other all the more. Time to wake up and smell the coffee people...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.