Arrgggh! Was halfway through a post when I messed up and lost it. mad

Okay...just read this over as I was GEing it for the Archive and I have to say - Yes! I agree. Sequel! <g>

I really enjoyed this one, FinLi. There was some beautiful, emotional depth to the prose, particularly towards the end. This:

Superman pulled and thrashed trying to free himself from the irons that held him. Something he could have crushed like a tin can, had they not been attached to the deadly glowing rock that was rapidly sapping his life force. He glanced at Lois as she lay on the floor, now only mere feet away. Her breathing was labored, her face ashen. He had watched as she had doggedly pushed and pulled her way to him. The sheer terror in her dark brown eyes cut him deeper and more painfully than what any amount of Kryptonite could. But she counted on him to rescue her when she was in danger. Even now he knew she had hope.

So he flung himself in her direction again and again. Each time dragging the rock with him, inch by excruciating inch. But being this close to such a huge piece of Kryptonite, the pain was searing and his strength was draining faster than it ever had.

He concentrated, trying to combine his will and strength for another lunge. “Just a few more feet” he told himself. But he collapsed, exhausted, his heart beating loudly in his ears. Raising his head off the hardwood floor his eyes again searching Lois’s. His heart lurched. Her eyes no longer met his, but were strangely fixed in a far away gaze.

“NOOOO Lois” he screamed.

He called out to her over and over, each time frantically clawing the remaining distance to her now still form, his fingers scratching gouges into the floor.

“Lois” His anguished call went unanswered. With a frustrated growl he used his remaining strength to gather her limp body into his arms. He cradled her gently, his hand cupping her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. He listened; her heartbeat was very slow.

“Lois” he sobbed, burying his face in her neck, rocking her gently. His heart ached with the sorrow of knowing there was nothing he could do now. She was dying. Dying without ever knowing who he really was and how much he loved her. Pulling back again, he gently pushed some hair out of her face with his fingers. He closed his eyes, no longer fighting the toxic energy radiating from the Kryptonite as it seeped into his body, spreading like a cancer, taking his life. Just like the poison was taking hers.

He pressed his lips softly to hers, a tear slowly sliding down his strong face.
just about had me in tears. Beautifully rendered. His feelings for Lois come through so strongly here.

Thanks for sharing! And I hope to see more from you soon! Sequel or new, don't mind. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers