Very nice ending. I, for one, did not think it was rushed. I do wish, though, that you'd told us more about Clark and Lois and their futures, which we all assume were to be intertwined. But that's just detail-ravenous me.

Purple K is data storage! I was right! Yay for Bernie! If you don't finish the upgrade, you're going to get yourself in serious trouble. We've all learned that, to our great chagrin.

I envision a thriving industry where kids wear a stylized version of the first initial of their last name on T-shirts or casual wear (hey, a great money-maker for the Superman Foundation! Kryptonian monograms on sleepwear and formal clothing!) or even sports teams. Imagine the Metropolis Crystal Dragons and the Philadelphia Tunnel Serpents ("I spend a month in Philadelphia one weekend." - W. C. Fields) facing off on the diamond/pitch/field/court/whatever. Kryptonian language immersion camps springing up beside their Klingon counterparts, and friendly rivalries springing up between them.

I also envision a few close-minded individuals actively campaigning against any and all things Krypton, including Superman, to little or no effect. The data storage technology alone would revolutionize multiple industries and the way of life all over the world. Wait - do I envision the start of Utopia here? Is this how it begins in this universe? Good job! Bring on the 900 channels with nothing on, you Tempus wussy you!

I almost forgot - I loved the revelation! You gave Lois a chance to beat herself up for being so mean to Clark, but you didn't show Clark being upset that he had to practically spell it out for her. ("Look, Lois, I'm wearing Clark Kent's undershorts. Do you think he and I are really that friendly?") And she was forced to control her reaction - she wouldn't want him to drop her from that height! And the shy wave at Martha? Priceless.

Thank you for relating this bard's tale. It's been fun, and I look forward to more from you.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing