So, just read Part 2. Well, it seems like Kryptonians are different from humans in sleepwalking so that they can interact with others. Haha!
And Superman still saves People while sleeping. Wow.
the Scene with that Girl was nice. Although I can see Clark helping her with that painting even if he was awake. It also nicely Shows how children sometimes lack the awe or fear of adults from certain celibrities and so they just talk to them like the ordinary People they are. I like that.
The whole "going to eat a cake" line kicked me over the edge into a good laugh, though. Just imagine Superman going into a Café and ordering some cake. Priceless.
I guess it's only a matter of time until he will stumble about a certain Reporter in (of) his dreams. :-)
EDIT: Just saw that there are already two new parts up. Wow, you are a fast updater. Will come to them later this day.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.