Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
It is so great to see Perry's yodeling skills in action! smile

Poor Lois. So much of her blindness coming back to bite her, hard. It's gotta be agonizing to know you almost married a man who tried to straight-up murder the world's greatest hero.

Looking forward to more!

Thanks smile. This is the most I've involved his character into a plot and I'm having a lot of fun with him. And yeah, poor Lois. Reality is hitting her hard right now....

Originally Posted by gr8shadesofElvis
Ding ding, first prize to Perry White! His knowing (or suspecting) should make poor Clark's life a lot easier when it comes to managing everyone (Lois) while keeping the secret as best it can be kept.
I did a little googling on radiation sickness. It's nasty nasty thing the way it progress from bad to worse.
I watched an episode of Call the Midwife recently where a soldier had a baby with deformities years after being exposed very minimally to radiation following nuclear testing. But I won't think about that here thank you. Going to be a very long night potentially for all concerned.
Another great chapter. Looking forward to more. smile

It will. Clark couldn't have chosen a better medical advocate for himself ^_^
And yeah, radiation poisoning I think is the worst way anyone can go smirk Radiation is no joke. Yes, it'll be a long night, but fortunately for Clark, Perry is there smile

Originally Posted by bakasi
Poor Clark. He isn't doing well. I find the medical scenario very believable. Well done!

Thanks smile

I hope to post the next part in a few days.