Toomi8, as another who also ends up with runaway chapter word counts (dratted muses yelling in my ear!!!), I've found that 6500 words is about the max I'll post. And I usually stop way before that - unless the pump is overflowing. Page count is tricky - a thirteen-page chapter with 10-point Times New Roman font is seventeen pages at 12-point font. Were I one of your betas, I'd advise you to find a scene break somewhere in the middle of that monster where it makes sense to break it into two separate chapters.

Many times I've built a too-long 8000-word chapter (for example) eight, then broken it in to chapter eight and eight-a. After some more self-editing, I usually expand those out a bit and get two healthy chapters (my eventual average on the two child chapters is between 4600 and 5200 words) that deal with separate aspects of the story. That way you're not worried about chapter length and losing information in a post.

Unlike folk4evernaday, I've never lost the back half of a chapter. I guess I'm not that adventurous, even if my characters are.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing