Originally Posted by Morgana
Welcome aboard! Looking forward to reading your fics!


Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
I enjoyed the first season of Farscape myself, and am planning to buy the remaining seasons once it goes on sale.

The description of the story you read actually sounds like it could be one of my own: After the Fall
Updated: Oops, I take that back. My story was an alternate take on the Nor episode, but it involved “our” Clark, not alt-Clark.

If you have not yet already done so, I would recommend reading anything by Female Hawk. Her writing is far better than many professionally published books I have read.

Please don’t hesitate to post your stories. We Re always eager to have new authors here, and people here are extremely gentle with their feedback. If you wish, you can always request beta readers to help you polish you stories before you post them here.


I will defiantly check out your fic and thanks for the recommendation for Female Hawk.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Hey Tommi8,
The Story you are looking for is Yvonne Connel's "Addicted". There's also a Sequel called "Damaged". Both can be found on the Archive.

Eeeeeeee! There's a sequel!

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Welcome to the boards! We may be a small little part of the fandom, but you won't meet a better bunch of people - or find a more talented group of L&C writers. Looking forward to seeing you around!
