Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
. (Out of curiosity, what is your other fandom?)

If you wish to read completed fanfic, I would suggest you go to the fan fiction archive site and read stories that have been nominated for or have won Kerth awards. These are the stories which the FoLCs here have voted as best in category or best overall each year.

What are your preferences for reading? Do you have a preferred story length? Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? Action or romance? If you post your preferences, someone here might be able to recommend stories.

Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis... never got into Universe) and Farscape.... I have written an X Files fanfic but other than re-watching the episodes, was never really involved in Phile fandom.

Awesome, I've been reading stories on lcfanfic.com. There's so many on there!

As for preferences... I really like the medium and long ones. No deathfics. I like action, romance, angst. I will gleefully read just about anything. One fic I read ages ago, and can't remember the title or author, was about Alt-Clark dosing himself with red Kryptonite to help him forget. As someone who has been in the addiction cycle in the past it was hauntingly written, not in a trigger way, but respectful and understanding way. The story has stuck with me for a while.

Originally Posted by bakasi
Welcome to the boards. There are many great stories here. Have fun!


Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Hey Tommi8,
welcome to the boards.
As Lynn already said, the Archive is the best place to find completed stories, I's say around 90% of the completet L&C fics find their way to it. Adittionally, you might want a look onto www.lcficdirectory.com.
Here you'll find an index page for the boards, where you can see wheter a Story is completedor not, and here you will also find the stories from the boards who are not listed on the Archive.
If you want some personal recs, just post your Story preferences here and I'm sure wome People will give you some great Storys. Generally, the Quality Standards of this fandom are very ihgh compared to others, so you should find something for you.
Oh, and what fanfics have you written and where one can find them?

Thanks for the info!

fanfiction.net is where I've got my work posted. The oldest works on there are from 2008 and I haven't been able to face re-reading them. They could be awful (not a plug for reassurance! I'm pretty sure the grammar is not where it should be)! I am open to critical feedback, especially on grammar and sentence structure.

Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
Hey Toomi8!

Welcome back! To answer your question, the TOC threads would be where you want to read the fics as you'll find all parts listed together. You can check the Fanfic section for one offs that haven't had a TOC created yet but Mike M and many of the seasoned authors are good at setting those up for all the fics. Looking forward to seeing what your muse has in store for us. smile

Thanks! I need my muse to settle down as I've got 3 fics on the go! I will admit I'm a little nervous about posting anything here as the quality of writing is quite high!