Lynn, I don't think it was implausible for him to share his secret at this point, it just runs counter to his ingrained "dissect you like a frog" caution. But it shows how much he trusts already Lois. I mean, why else would he share something so intimate as his tea preferences?

Truly a sweet vignette. I can see this happening, although the series writers would never have done this because it would have sucked most of the interpersonal tension out of the relationship drama. And that's why we have fanfic, to "fix" all the things the series writers could have done better. And this would have been a terrific moment for him to spill that secret.

Then we could do all sorts of things to push them apart for a while - Lois pulls away because she's a little in awe of Superman; Clark lets her because he's not certain whether she loves him or the cape. So it could have gone exactly like this and still been a thrill ride.


Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing