Jenni - another wonderful section! thumbsup You have such a talent for writing these family scenes so realistically - you can feel Matt's angst and Lois's pain and you cover every aspect of making this new hero!!
“Mom, Grandma! I don't want to wear Dad's suit.”

That halted Lois' deliberations stone dead and she turned to face her son.

Matt was looking a little defiant again, but he spoke apologetically. “I meant it when I said I didn't want to be Superman. If I wear his suit, that's the name people will associate me with. They'll call me Superman Jr... or Son of Superman.”
So true.

But this just got me - mecry ...
“We've seen you take them out some nights when someone or something has reminded you of Dad.”

Lois flushed. Those were her private moments and she didn't exactly appreciate Matthew telling the family. It was true, though. There were times when she'd needed the feel of something of Clark's beneath her hand... beneath her cheek.... “But I haven't done that in y... in a long time,” she answered defensively.

“We know, Mom,” Sara said quietly. “And we didn't mean to spy on you. It's just when we heard you crying, we'd get worried about you....”

“So we checked up on you,” Matt added, edging up to his mother and placing an arm round her shoulder, experimentally, letting it rest there when she didn't pull away. “We only did it because we love you, Mom.”
This just got me, it's written so beautifully, expressing everyone's emotions so well. It's such a great moment but I am very ready for Clark to return... please come back soon with MORE!

~Nicole smile