This is going to be a relatively short reply, Jenni, and I'm sorry. But I have to make a relatively lengthy quote, nevertheless:
"Matt, have you decided whether you're going to claim a relationship to Superman?"

"I haven't actually made upmy mind about that." Matthew dug his hands into his pockets self-consciously. In fact, I haven't really thought all of this through. I was hoping that you guys would help me here. What do you think... Mom?"

Lois didn't answer immediately, but continued to walk back and forth. Seconds later, she halted while her glance swept over the others in the room and eventually settled on her son. "That's a difficult one, Matt. I suppose you could be evasive... claim your origins are Kryptonian, as were Superman's...."

There was another small pause as Lois fingered her wedding ring and everyone else almost forgot to breathe. Then she continued with quiet dignity. "But I think you should say Superman was your father.
Jenni, that one got me right *there*. The way it isn't obvious whether or not Matt should claim to be related to Superman. The way Matt turns to Lois, to let her decide. And the way Lois touches her wedding ring before advising Matthew to say that he is Superman's son. The loyalty, the confirmation, the love that is in the whole scene is breathtaking. Oh, and speaking about breathtaking: I, too, was holding my breath, as I waited for Lois's answer!

There are so many other things I would like to say, but I don't have that much time. But I simply loved the way amnesiac Clark sees an image of Matt in his mind, when he - Clark - is skipping stones. As he is enjoying this small pleasure, he suddenly sees his son skipping stones too, at a time when Matt was much younger. But the reason why Clark sees Matt at all is that a part of him is aware of Matt and knows that Matt is troubled and needs his father.

It was horrible that Clark experienced such terrible pain when he started to remember anything at all. But it was wonderful that, somehow or other, Clark managed to give Matt the support he needed.

You know I love your story, Jenni. Like L said, there is no need to hurry it along to a conclusion, or to get Clark back to his family before your story is really ready for it. Every new chapter posted here is so interesting, and you should let your story evolve on its own terms.
