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I'm with DC and Morgana. If it's not Terri and Dean, doubt I'll watch it.

Supergirl had a lot of promise in Season 1, with the backstory and interactions within the Danvers family. And the extended family at work (both of Kara's jobs). I left it after part of Season 3. Or more accurately, it left me by going in a totally different direction. As I understand it, one of their original producers or executive producers left either after Season 1 or 2. I still can't forget what they did to poor Jeremiah and have often wondered if anyone in the producers, writers or directors has a clue as to what a healthy-blended family looks like. What they did to Supergirl turned me off from watching any of their other shows.

The relationships and also the timeless feel of Lois and Clark were what attracted me to the show originally. Sadly, I don't trust what the current crop of executives at the CW would do to a Lois and Clark show with different actors.

Still, my fantasy show would be a reboot with Terri and Dean, especially if he has an active role in developing the scripts. wink

Last edited by cuidadora; 11/04/19 04:41 PM. Reason: edit


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly