Jenni, this was such a great part! I really especially loved the Perry/Lois conversation! There were so many fantastic moments during their talk that just got me all choked up!
“I'm sorry, darlin'. The rescue action just had Superman's MO written all over it, but you'd have told me if he were back....”

“Yes, I would!” Now it was Lois' turn to feel betrayed. “Apart from the family, you'd have been the first to know if that were true. You are family! And I wouldn't have had to tell you that. Do you really think I'd be in here, trawling through these stories with some pretty adventurous reporting styles, if Clark had come home?” She let some of the said papers drift through her fingers.

Perry had the grace to look embarrassed. “No, kiddo, I guess not.” The two stood in silence, Lois close to tears, and Perry wondering how he'd ever made such a bad judgment call.
You feel so bad for both of them. Perry was absolutely not trying to hurt Lois, he would never do that, but he, too, has hope his friend will return. He can't help but have hope, too. And you show here so perfectly how that - his hope - has the ability to hurt Lois, because she's trying to just give up on that and move on.

Wait a minute, Lois, that could be it. Clark's home, but he has amnesia. He couldn't use telepathy cause he's forgotten how... and he's forgotten who to contact.”

For an infinitesimal moment, Lois' spirits soared, but only to come crashing down. “I doubt that's it.”

“But he's suffered from amnesia before. Like after Nightfall... though I guess I never knew he was Superman back then. But if he was affected that way once, perhaps that's the problem now.”

Lois contemplated that scenario for long seconds while her mind and body reached outwards... but still the channel was silent. She sat down heavily in her chair once more and, placing her elbows on the table, she dropped her head into her hands.

Perry waited.

“He's not there, Chief.

And this is a fantastic moment:

“I guess you're right, Lois, and I'm just an old fool, coming blundering in here and reminding you of your loss. If Superman had made that rescue, he'd be in the suit... letting everyone know he's back on the job, not skulking around in the shadows. That wasn't his style.”

There was total silence for long seconds as Perry ran his hand through his thinning hair, unaware that Lois' head had snapped up at his words.

“But it was, Chief. In the beginning, before he invented Superman, that was the way Clark worked. When he traveled the world, he'd sneak in a rescue here and there and then move on when he thought people were getting suspicious of him....”

That caught Perry's attention and he returned her gaze. “Wait a minute, are you saying this could be Clark?”

Again Lois paused, thinking. Finally, she shook her head sadly. “No, not Clark. But I think I might know who rescued those children....”
And this conversation is great, too -
“Did I do right, Grandpa?” Matthew asked nervously, standing in front of the fire. He'd planned to make an announcement, but now that he was facing a family conference, he wasn't feeling quite so confident of his choices.

The older man nodded sagely. “The children are safe, aren't they? I'd say you did it just right.”

“I tried to imagine how Dad would have done it....”

“Your dad's a good role model, son,” Perry joined the conversation, his gruff voice betraying concern. “But he did it in a colorful suit and not as a shadowy guardian angel in civilian clothes. There were a whole parcel of media people round that rescue site, many of whom know your mom and some might even know you. If any one of them had recognized you, the family secret would be out.”
I love how real this family "conference" feels. You write this stuff wonderfully smile

And I got chills at this line...
“Clark was too often in the right place at the right time and that's what worried you so much.” Martha nodded in agreement. “You were always sure he'd be taken away from us and dissected, even though he was invulnerable....”

A strangled sob escaped from Lois. “But that's just it! Don't you all see it? Clark was never totally invincible. We wouldn't be having this conversation if he was.” She stood quickly, her body stiff with tension.
My heart breaks for Lois and her clear pain mecry

Jenni you have to fix this! ASAP!

(in case you can't tell, I am enjoying this!!!)

Nicole smile

Okay... one more:
“You'll be a wonderful superhero, sweetie,” Martha said, smiling proudly at her beloved grandson. “You have the most important requirement for all superheros... a caring heart. Everything else you can learn.”
Gotta love Martha!!! smile smile