Jenni, would you believe that as I had composed my reply to this part of your story and was trying to post it, my internet access gave out on me?

This was, more or less, what I was trying to say. Yes, I loved this chapter. Above all, I was totally gripped and riveted by your description of Lois's reaction as a mother to her special, unique son. Her insecurity and sadness, her feeling of inadequacy, of being shut out. Her pride in her son, and then her horror at learning that he, too, wanted to be a superhero. At sixteen, and after having seen his father disappear, and probably die, because of his superpowers. Now her sixteen-year-old son wanted to lay himself bare to the same threats and dangers that had claimed his father... and Lois's shock, denial and refusal at learning this. Her mulishness, and the way she pushed her son away in order to keep him with her. And, finally, her courage and love in finding it in herself to support him. It was gripping, riveting and totally, heartbreakingly poignant.

And I loved the way you made Perry such an absolutely natural part of Lois's family. And I loved the way Jonathan and Martha Kent managed to support their grandson and their daughter-in-law at the same time. Actually, Jenni, in the midst of all the sorrow of your story, this was, once again, such a heartwarming part of it.

Your story is wonderful and lovely, and I so look forward to the next part of it.
