I’m so very excited to finally begin posting my story. This story idea came from a dream I had around 20 years ago that I always thought would have made a good movie. I have never been considered a writer (though perhaps now I should), but after a chance discovery of NaNoWriMo on October 29th, 2018, I somehow came to the conclusion that despite having a fulltime job and busy family, it was totally reasonable that I should be able to “win”. One month and 55,449 words later, I still wasn’t done [Linked Image]. With the help of some awesome people in a hangouts chat, I finally made it to the end grin .

Altogether, it is split up into four parts (with meaningful headings wink ), or 34 chapters and an epilogue. I plan to post a chapter at a time twice a week (which should be doable since its all done but I have been known to have unusual things happen to mess my plans up...).

I’m super excited for feedback, so lay it on, good or bad!

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.