Originally Posted by Morgana
She didn’t answer right away, choosing, instead to cross the room, the photos in her hand. Setting the print outs on the table before Clark, she smiled in a way that he wasn’t sure he liked.

“Of course not,” she told him, as his eyes swept down to the grainy black and white images she’d placed before him. “It’s twins.”

As Clark’s mind registered the two gestational sacs in the photos, he promptly passed out.

The Man of Steel passed out? shock Well, no one can blame him, after lack of sleep and two nightmares that were really scary, if he didn't he wouldn't be ... human.

Nice to have Jimmy in on the secret, it makes perfect sense. Now, its time to ask Perry if he knows what one of his ace reporter's other job is?

Haha, any man might pass out if his dream sequence turned out (partially) true! wink

I do love the idea of Jimmy being in on the secret, and then keeping it a secret in turn. Of course, now his cover is blown and he won't be able to pull the wool over Clark's eyes so easily again. And yes, I've always believed that Perry knew about Clark. There's no way he didn't know, not with all those little nods and lines he would throw Clark's way.

Thanks for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon