Hi, Michael! wave

Little one’s got paired chromosomes and Daddy’s realized that all men are scum?

Clark: I've built her a Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic for her to live in until she's 40.

There’s a story about an egg on the dark side.

I'm scared. peep

She’s a firecracker, isn’t she?

Lois: (glares at Clark) Don't you *dare* make an explosion comment.

‘Rescue Lois’ is quite a noble purpose.

Clark: That's just my hobby. (shrug)

LOIS: You’re the before. The way way before.

Crit Strike! -9000 Ego Damage Taken!

To be fair, it was *his* choice to live the life of a monk.

Lois: Can he take a vow of silence too? You wouldn't believe how much he can talk sometimes.

We sure hope so, otherwise, *awkward*!

Are those banjos I hear?

Yes, I can see that. It must be so awkward, considering he’s used to doing this in the center of the townsquare in Smallville at mid day.

Lois: I don't want to hear about his weird...habits.

He *could* have asked for instructions and possibly, some assistance, given his lack of knowledge in such matters. I’m sure, most of the female staff and some of the male staff would have been happy to provide said assistance to the poor super hero.

He's Gaston and Bernie is LaFou?

Yes. And Game of Thrones Season Eight is *14* days away. And Love and Capes Volume 5 is 3 to 4 *months* away. /glares/ Your point being…?


Ah, Clark, my dear sweet summer child. You know nothing. GoT began in 1996 and we *still* have no written conclusion.

So, they have been to a place with exotic food and a reputation for germ-infested water that causes all sorts of stomach trouble and yet, their first instinct is ‘Lois is pregnant’? Also, wouldn’t it be awkward, if the false positive itself also were a side effect of her trip to Mexico?

Unless they are injecting HCG into the water supply, a false positive is pretty much impossible. I did *all* the research when I was 5 days post frozen IVF transfer and dying to test. goofy

Then again, could be some super villain down there messing with people.

He wanted to know how careful he had to be with his professional caregivers and to prevent further false-claim paternity suits.

Clark: But Ching *said* it was *normal* and *expected* of me as their king!

Wait, did Jimmy…?

Jimmy: (rocks on his feet, whistles innocently)

Make the guy drown in his own debt?

(Murray Brown appears as though by magic) Did someone say "lawsuit?"

Yep, he definitely wrote that. Maybe it’s not even the real Digger? Nah, given his financial woes, he probably hacked something together and sold it under a fake byline.

Jimmy: Wait, you're saying Lois should have *paid* me for this?

You mean, like a drug mule who transports cocaine across the border inside plastic bags hidden at strategic places?

If one breaks inside, will it kill her the same as the drugs?

Like the ‘chat’ he had with Dillinger?

Clark: devilsplat

Lois is in on it. *Why* is Lois in on it? Except for this getting printed right at the end of March.

Lois: Because...evil.

Had he lied to her to get such payback?

Um, kinda. Sequel to Moving The Body so...he faked a murder for her to investigate.

Telling her how his wife was obviously doing Superman on the side?

Clark: Why is security here for this talk...?

Oh boy. So, Superman didn’t require her consent? *That’s* going to go over well with the yellow press.

Lois: (pats Clark's cheek) Who said I said no?

That’s why Kryptonians developed super speed. It’s so they can keep up with their litter.

If only this applied to humans as well! (is permanently exhausted) devil

Or, you know, he could do one or two treasure dives in the Caribbean. 4-5 tons of gold should be wildly sufficient to raise that litter.

Better make it 6-7 - at least SOME of the kids will require weddings. And jail bonds, if they take after Lois.

Like he’s going to be able to tell them apart anyway. Four names should be sufficient amongst them all

He'll pull a George Foreman and just call them all Clark. Even the girls.

At first I thought he’d fallen asleep again. But you mentioned he’s gotten two dozen eggs and the fridge. And they’re colored pink and blue, which is way too convenient. That minx is tricking him.

Lois: I plead the 5th.

Oh boy. No wonder you wanted to do the entire piece in one sitting

Thanks for reading! As always, I may have laughed harder at your feedback than I did while writing this! smile

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon