Oops. So yeah, I only saw this thread like half a year too late... *cough*

So, hi everyone!

I'm 31,too,ha! And I'm from Germany.
L&C was the first show I ever watched in English (I cannot bear the German dub anymore...) and one of the first shows I binged, period. I recently got a bit re-obsessed (only watched it twice in 6 or so months, ahem) and it makes me so so SO happy that not only there's a multitude of awesome fanfiction already out there, but that there's new one still being written!
I'm not really a writer myself, but definitely an avid reader.

I actually feel bad that I don't really leave any feedback here, but I mostly read stories on the archive because I know those are all complete... Read an unfinished one against my better judgement) recently and it's ridiculous in how much of a funk it left me - AND ruined a song for me!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate the message boards and the archive and everything and will now go back to reading more fanfic while watching Smallville.