Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Aww! Very well done! clap A much needed talk indeed. The way you capture their personalities is perfect, and I like how you dive into both of their thoughts this time. Hopefully that coffee will do them both some good wink

Great conclusion to this little trilogy!

Thanks Mouse!

So glad you enjoyed this series. This part of the show was heartbreaking and giving these two an opportunity to talk about what's weighing on their mind is the first step to resolving things.

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Nicely done! They both need to talk before they both ruin the best thing that's ever happened to them. I love how they are both distracted to the point of being blind to the movie/date. Now, let's how they both act like adults and clear the air at that coffee talk. smile

Hey Vicki,

Yeah, when you have a lot on your mind it's hard to focus on anything else, isn't it? I'm glad you enjoyed my take on this piece.

Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
Ooh now I’m trying to imagine what they would have talked about over that coffee! Nice ending though and much preferable to the episode so I hope that in the end Lois tells Scardino to back off

Hey Crazy_Babe,

Yeah, I tried to leave it up to the reader to determine how that conversation would have gone. So glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Yup, sometimes you have to hold on ... and talk. Neat wrap-up to the trilogy!

Thanks Morgana,

Yes the key to any relationship is communication.

Originally Posted by jackiek
Yes, communication! Something they often lacked in the series. I def like your version of events better. Well done!

Hey jackiek,

I agree completely. Many issues would have resloved if someone had just opened up their mouth and started talking sooner rather than later.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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